
Quick Family Recipes for Busy Weeknights

Because No One Has Time for a 5-course Meal!

Hey there, Forster family!

Ever had one of those days where you've been running around like a headless chook and suddenly it's dinner time? Yep, we've all been there. And while we at JKL can't magically make dinner appear (we're still working on that), we can share some quick and tasty recipes that even your pickiest eater won't turn their nose up at. So, put on that apron, and let's get cooking, shall we?

One-Pot Spaghetti Carbonara: Because Who Needs Two Pots?


·        200g spaghetti (or whatever pasta shape you can find at the back of the cupboard)

·        100g pancetta or bacon (or both, we're not judging)

·        2 large eggs (preferably not the ones you found under the sofa)

·        50g parmesan cheese, grated

·        A sprinkle of parsley (or not, it's just for the 'gram anyway)

·        Salt and pepper to taste

How to whip it up:

1. Boil that spaghetti until it's al dente or however you like it.

2. Fry up that bacon until it's as crispy as a sunny day in Forster.

3. Mix eggs, cheese, and seasonings in a bowl. Pour over the drained spaghetti and bacon. Stir like you've never stirred before!

4. Serve with a flourish and accept all compliments graciously.

Chicken Stir-Fry: Because Veggies Need Love Too


- 300g chicken breast, thinly sliced (or chunky, you do you)

- 2 cups of your favorite veggies (or the ones hiding in the fridge)

- A splash of soy sauce and oyster sauce

- A drizzle of olive oil

Get it done:

1. Sizzle that chicken in a pan until it's golden and gorgeous.

2. Toss in those veggies and give them a good stir.

3. Add the sauces and give it another good stir. Maybe even a little dance if you're feeling it.

4. Plop it on some rice and dig in!

Veggie-Packed Quesadillas: Because Cheese Fixes Everything


- Tortillas (the flatter, the better)

- A handful of cheddar cheese

- Veggies of your choice (the more colorful, the better)

Make it happen

1. Sprinkle cheese and veggies on half the tortilla.

2. Fold, press, and grill until it's ooey-gooey perfection.

3. Slice and enjoy!

Wrap Up

Alright, fam, there you have it! Three quick recipes to save your weeknights. And remember, if all else fails, there's always takeaway. 😉 But hey, at least you tried, right? And that's what counts. Until next time, keep those aprons handy and those ovens preheated!

By the way here is a pic of us having a family dinner at one of our favorite local spots The Dragons Den.

Give them a try if you have not already. Absolutely delish food!

💜 Your Real Estate Family